Ixc Wylde

Wherever You Are

Short Film - 2021

About the Artist: Ixc Wylde is a classically trained musician who has worked for the past decade on film, music and video games as a sound designer and composer, and is working on their first feature length film for release 2022 (They/Them).

* click the “play” button in the centre of the image below to play the film!

Tell us about this work.


This short film is a piece designed to upend a viewers immediate expectations. It’s a silent piece of media placed over a neo-classical piano piece (Written by Ixc Wylde) to summon the past to mind, as well as put yourself in a modern time. It pushes the viewer to think of the effect that their actions have on the world regardless of the location. The ending upends the initial expectation of parallelism and indicates that both nature and the city aren’t parallel worlds, but are worlds in absolute synchronicity and harmony.

How has the Climate Crisis impacted you, your family, or your community?


This is one of the most important issues of my life. I've spent the past ten years fighting for change in the system and working alongside organizations in order to prevent the destruction of our beautiful planet. There isn't anyone who isn't impacted by this, even if someone thinks they aren't.

What do you think we need to do now to address the Climate Crisis? Feel free to share any ideas, solutions, hopes, dreams!


Right now we have to be able to change systemic problems that perpetuate the climate crisis, as well as begin large scale research that doesn't just prevent any more damage to the world, but actually turns back the clock.

How do you see the world in 30 years if we've dealt with the Climate Crisis?


A world full of synchronicity with the nature. I would hope to see waste permanently disposed of, and the world focusing on improvements of social systems like preventing poverty and bringing greater equality to society.


Blue Jay Walker


J. Walker