Shaundin Jones

Summer of Haze

Digital Art - 2021

This piece is part of our ‘Spring Tide Sketches’ series, where youth contribute through social media on artwork they’ve made that connects with the mission of this initiative. Shaundin Jones, whose 23 and from the Chinle, Navajo Nation, shares their work below.

Summer of Haze - 2021

Tell us a bit about this piece.

As an artist, I am a very visual person and I can't ignore the stark difference between the summer of 2021 and my earliest memories of summers passed. A place where I come to escape the smog of dense urban cities is now victim to an excessive amount of smoke from wildfires beyond our location. I'm documenting just how frequent it's become over the years. This summer, I've seen blankets of smoke come and go because of fires that rage among the forests of California and Arizona. Summers are slowly becoming more dull and hazardous and all I can think about is the sort of summer memories my younger siblings will have because of the exponential ramifications of climate change.


Sarah Jim


Niyousha Saeidi